From Waipara Hills, Dusky Sounds embodies our enchanted land; clean and vibrant, with unique flavour that is loved around the world.
Dusky Sounds is building a reputation for producing fresh, fruit-driven quality wines. Their Chief Winemaker, Simon McGeorge, is enthusiastically continuing their focus and passion to make easy drinking styles of wines that are suitable for everyday occasions and cuisine.
Dusky Sounds wines characterise New Zealand's unique personality. Strong varietal characters, lifted, pungent aromatics, along with clean and inviting flavours results in a range of great value wines.

Marlborough | Central Otago | Waipara Valley - New Zealand

Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Merlot, Riesling

Dusky Sounds is an enjoyable wine for any occasion. Award winning, yet affordable - the perfect everyday drop!
Dusky Sounds is a multi-regional brand, sourcing quality fruit from South Island vineyards.
All prices are stated in New Zealand dollars inclusive of goods &
services tax (GST).
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